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Powerful Psychics

What is Your Compassion Quotient?

Posted on June - 27 - 2011

If you find yourself discovering yourself lacking in "humanity" you are not a terrible person, nor should you judge yourself. You can however become more aware of where you are in your personal development. With all you have experienced you may be overloaded. It is no disgrace to withdraw in order to not feel more pain. We all need a break. Just know that this is where you are and why. As you begin to heal yourself and move forward in your life you will discover your humanity never left you.

I know what it is to have a salary that does not pay all the bills and I also know what it is to be jobless. Because I know firsthand what hardship is, I have housed strangers with nowhere to go until they were on their feet again. I often gave the last dollar in my pocket to women, young children in tow, who were on the brink of tears pleading for help to feed their children. I have also been had. I have given money and witnessed the person run straight into a liquor store. My hardships gave me compassion even though I knew some might be conning me. So, faced with an opportunity to show compassion or a possible scam, what would you do?

Giving of ourselves in some measure be it monetary or giving someone a home cooked meal uplifts the spirit. I am not talking about giving with the goal of gaining something in return – I am speaking of giving merely because it is the right thing to do. Our problems took years to develop, but an instant of hope can change a lifetime. So do you think your compassion is on hold or could you have lost your compassion? For every reaction we have to people and circumstances, our reactions are more about us than them. One way to help people without becoming personally involved is to look at where you can make donations. No matter how little we have it is important to give to the needy. You can also drop clothes off for the homeless. Donate a can food to a food drive. Even though we may be facing huge obstacles it is important to not lose compassion.

In order to see our potential, it is often necessary to learn who we have become. It takes courage to do a self-inventory, but having changed so much already shows you can do it! Without compassion, you lose your humanity and without humanity, you could lose your own soul and spirit darkness.

You may also want to talk to a Powerful Psychic specialist to see if they can help. Talk to one today and the first 5 minutes of your first session is totally free. Call 1-888-984-7744 or CLICK HERE to begin.

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