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If you were given one wish, what would you wish for? There was a TV ad that showed a person using the one wish a genie gave him to manifest a pack of gum. Instead of seeking his hearts desire, he asked for something trivial. How many times a day do we do the same thing? We make wishes that are not for our best interest and often harm someone else in the process. If we knew that one of our wishes would come true, only we wouldn’t be told which one, would that change our thinking process?

The Nine of Cups is also known as the wish card. It is a two-edged sword that warns that one of our wishes will be granted, however, you never know when or what wish will be heard. Positive and negative wishes carry equal weight in the eyes of the Divine. When we wish for love, success or health, we must make sure that it doesn’t do harm to another. By trying to seize their free will, we only create negative consequences for ourselves. However, when we wish a blessing be sent to another, it not only creates a miracle in the other person’s life, but opens the door for our dreams to be answered as well. The Nine of Cups also warns that a wish could lead to heartbreak, disappointment or a long delay in manifesting.

The Nine of Cups also represents the nine muses, the Goddesses of inspiration and creativity. As the triple Goddesses are tripled, it foreshadows success and material gains, but also gives the warning to be wary of selfishness and greed. Being the most feminine card in the deck, it is connected to the Moon and to the Hermit cards – as it speaks to the heart’s desires and inner dreams. It tells that your dreams have already manifested in your heart and it won’t be long before they appear in your reality.

Sometimes we don’t know what our heart truly desires. We wish for the wrong things because our dreams have gotten lost in our fears and in the confusion of our everyday lives. Seeking advice from someone who can see into your heart and soul will help you make the right wish on the right star so that your dreams will come true.

Get your FREE Tarot Reading today and see what the cards hold for you. Call 1-888-984-7744 or go to www.PowerfulPsychics.com

Powerful Psychics