Powerful Psychics Blog
Powerful Psychics

Taming the Wild Mind

Posted on July - 7 - 2011

Most of us are enjoying the summer season and the hot, humid weather of July can make us feel laid back and lazy. One thing we cannot afford to do is be lazy! We become lazy spiritually when we take for granted that we do not have to grow anymore. For July, Frog Medicine has shown itself. Frog Medicine, associated with rain, represents cleansing. The act of cleansing however is not lazy. In this case cleansing, a metaphor for change, is often uncomfortable. Think of hand washing on a scrub board – this is hard, painful work. But, in order to see the product of a crisp, clean garment, we must do the work. The same is true for the spirit.

Ever evolving and hopefully growing to be in tune with Universe, there is discomfort in growth. It is said the growing pains of growing children are not a myth. As children grow in big spurts, the body is actually strained as the muscles and bones of the young body find their form quickly in the growing child. Likewise, any change is the result of shedding old, ingrained patterns. Letting go of what is holding us back is painful. First we have to choose to grow and then we have the arduous task of allowing change to happen. Here is where Frog Medicine can help us.

In Native tradition it is the Frog that calls the nourishing rain to the earth. This not only cleanses the ground and air but is instrumental to plant and vegetable growth. In reviewing our lives during the month of July we need to see change as the outgrowth of the seeds we have planted via our hopes and prayers. But the Universe exacts that in order to change we need to cleanse ourselves of anything that is not helpful in order for us to move forward or we will see more of repeating disappointments.

In meditating on Frog to help us we can imagine hearing frogs croaking. We can then envision a summer shower of cool rain washing over us. Like the water in the wash basin – we can benefit from visualizing this purging of any negativity and depression we may have suffered.

As July’s heat and humidity task our patience and resolve Frog medicine can cleanse and fresh us as we hold onto our path of spiritual evolution. Change is not easy but Frog Medicine can help us do it more graciously. So be lazy in the sun – but not spiritually.

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