Powerful Psychics Blog
Powerful Psychics

Self Sabotaging Fear

Posted on June - 24 - 2011

What if suddenly your dearest dream came true? Would you be ready for it? Or would you be waiting for the other shoe to drop? How many times have you come close to success to only have it slip away? Frequently we consciously or subconsciously self sabotage ourselves because we are afraid. The fear of success or fear of failure can cause us to lose faith in our abilities or dreams and block our ability to manifest our desires.

Success can be terrifying. Whether our goal springs from a tragedy or a vision, events in our lives motivate us toward a specific end result. By achieving it, we lose the inspiration that gave us the strength and courage to keep moving forward. There is also the fear that our goal will not be what we expect it to be. Many dreams are so idealized that the reality cannot possibly meet our expectations. The fear of change is another common reason we delay or sabotage our success; although we reach for our goal, we can never really know what kind of changes it will bring in our life until afterwards; then it is frequently too late to go back.

The fear of failure can be equally destructive. Often, we feel that do not deserve to be blessed by our dreams being fulfilled. Someone in our past has convinced us that we are not smart enough, lucky enough, or pretty enough to be worthy of the best that life has to offer, so we set ourselves up to fail. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the fear of failing can keep us from trying to succeed at all. The thought being if we don’t try, we can’t fall short and thereby look foolish in the eyes of others. This is what keeps most people from reaching for their dreams and desires. It is also what makes us look back on our lives with regret and disappointment.

Whether your dreams and goals are blocked the fear of success or failure, you must face them in order to release their hold on you. By overcoming them, you will not only achieve your goal, but inspire yourself to reach even further or higher for new dreams.

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