Powerful Psychics Blog
Powerful Psychics

Problems with Bad Habits?

Posted on May - 22 - 2011

As an intuitive counselor, psychic, fortune teller and spiritual life coach, I have worked with many people who simply cannot change their bad habits without anguish and trauma as they work on their "addictions". Addictions, as we now know, are biochemical in nature from smoking to drinking to staying in bad relationships that continually hurt us. Although the bare bones of problems are psychological in nature, it is when mental anguish is combined with chemical addiction that a person gets locked in place, unable to move forward. Such people are self-medicating in an attempt to avoid pain that is serious to a point that is simply beyond managing. There are other addictions such as food addictions and sexual addictions, which are also based on the need to feel comfort by developing these additions.

The more people I have worked with the more I realize the basis for their addictions is the lack of self esteem as a result of some source of traumatic experience, not just during youth but at any point in life. The first thing I do as a spiritual life coach is to obtain a commitment from my clients to seek professional help, if they are not already doing so. As we work together on a spiritual level it is very important that psychological issues be treated too. It is important that the mind be healed in order to move forward from a painful event or loss because it needs to be healed in the event there is a spiritual influence feeding on the duress and physical sensations experienced while someone acts on their addictions or is trying to heal from them.

Who are these spiritual entities and why would it matter to them whether an alcoholic took that drink or not?

As a spiritualist I have often helped rid people of "bad" spirits and the influences they can bring into people’s lives. I have even done exorcisms in extreme cases so the question must still remain: who are these spirits and why and how do they play a part in the lives of already troubled people? Where do they "come from"?

Let’s start with whom they can be. They can be anyone who has died suddenly with unsolved anger or even addictions. These souls wander the homes, hospitals and nursing homes we may visit, attaching themselves to those of us who are innately sensitive. Those of us that can be "sponges" become the exit tickets for those who want to leave the environment in which they are still trapped. Once on the "outside" they look to continue the lives they might not know they no longer have. They can also just be mean spirits that are just as mean in death as they were in life.

These entities, or spirits, will tend to cling to those of us who have a weakness: depression, alcoholic tendencies, drug abuse and so on. Why? To experience vicariously that which they can no longer do on a corporeal level. They also seek to induce negative states of mind in order to continue to feel the chaos they themselves experienced.

Herein lies the dual challenge. Challenge number one: there is a predisposition to suffer from these afflictions to begin with. This is why counseling and treatment is so very important to combat whatever might have triggered the trauma and the resultant need to escape one’s pain.

Challenge number two: To help a person be rid of the presence of entities that continue to push that person toward that weakness that will create chaos, confusion and even addiction.

Both types of healing work hand in hand. As a psychic that is also a Shaman, I work with healing from a spiritual perspective, which will make psychological healing that much more effective.

So if anyone should ask you why you seek spiritual counseling, you can now better explain why. And, if you continue to have healing issues that your psychological counseling is not helping for reasons that cannot be answered, you also know that perhaps spiritual counseling might help you reach that next point in healing.

You may also want to talk to a Powerful Psychic specialist to see if they can help. Talk to one today and the first 5 minutes of your first session is totally free. Call 1-888-984-7744 or CLICK HERE to begin.

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