Powerful Psychics Blog
Powerful Psychics

Money Magic

Posted on May - 15 - 2011

Times are hard for a lot of people and to be honest, money just doesn’t buy what it used to. I get a lot of requests about improving money conditions and I have compiled a few “Witchy” ways that can help stabilize your money situations. First and foremost, we have to be practical; changing your purchasing habits is a must. It’s not the most mystical of my suggestion, but it’s the one with guaranteed results. As you review your spending habits, you can help your money stretch a little further by doing some of what I know… the “witchy” stuff!

The number eight can be very beneficial financially. A good way to apply its power is to write the number eight on a small piece of paper and tuck it inside your wallet. While this will not bring about major windfalls of money, it does encourage money to come in, so we have enough to spend on our needs. Another good one is to take a piece of silver (an old earring is fine) and place it in water on a new moon. As the moon waxes to full, so does financial stability. To be rid of money problems, write down your woes on a piece of paper and light a candle on the full moon – then burn the paper in the flame. As the full moon fades into the next new moon, so will your money problems. Go to a mystical store and purchase a Rose of Jericho, which looks like a small tumbleweed. Put it in a deep dish of water and wait for it to open. Take the water and sprinkle it around your house, especially at your doorway, to encourage money to come in. A green candle also helps to stabilize money conditions. Sketch the symbol of money on it and allow it to burn down. Do this at least once a month, preferably on a new moon. Trees and the earth also can help you. Take a silver coin and go to the base of a big Magic tree. Talk to the tree and ask it to bless you with financial security. Tuck the coin into the dirt at the base of the tree. Thank the tree and leave an offering of cornmeal.

Remember, it can take time to unravel money problems. However, over a period of time, these remedies can lend a hand in setting things right.

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