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Horoscope Readings for September 2011

Posted on September - 2 - 2011

Aries: The lights are heating up and the cosmos is smiling on you. Prepare for some new and exciting opportunities. As you move through this period you may find that your emotions are fluctuating more than usual. Be prepared to act quickly as a challenge becomes opportunity. Others are seeking to get your attention and help. Be generous as fits your budget – but don’t go overboard because you will come to resent this issue and maybe lose a friend. Quality time spent with family will be healing. The diamond is your signature stone at this time, giving you that extra strength that you need to deal with others.

Taurus: A time of challenge and negative energy is coming to an end. Prepare for finances to improve and your sense of self-esteem starts to become stronger and healthier. Don’t let the past carry into the present, as it is time to turn the corner into a positive and happy manifestation in your life. Reality becomes more clear and some of the worries and fears that you experienced are now going away. Seek out new opportunities and be willing to take risks as you are now entering a very lucky period of time. It may be that monies that are owed to you will be paid at this time and there is a good shift in your credit. Be prepared to seize opportunities. Jade is your lucky stone at this time and represents your period of increasing prosperity.

Gemini: This is a time of expansion. You can move forward on projects in very effective ways. As you take risks, consider both the pros and cons as you could be overly optimistic at this time. Hidden sources of energy come to help you and you can come up with the proverbial second wind when attacking projects. A friend could become a partner but make sure all the rules and boundaries and expectations are discussed honestly and fully. You are now entering a time where you can use the power of the planet Saturn to keep focused. It may be the time where you choose to end some associations, as they are not for your higher good. The moonstone calls on hidden and mystical energies that will help you finally make your dreams come true.

Cancer: Mars is energizing your sign and sending you on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Watch out for flaring tempers and misunderstandings. Instead look for ways to communicate in a softer, gentler nature. You could definitely learn some important facts about your relationships with family members. In fact, you might be required to take on some extra responsibility. Children may be difficult at this time and if you are a parent your skills may be challenged. Don’t expect others to be as determined as you are at this time or you might find that you reach an impasse that cannot be resolved. It’s also a good time to start looking for a home or moving – you could discover your perfect place. The opal shares mutable energy that will help you stay flexible.

Leo: It is time to celebrate. The light at the end of the tunnel has arrived. The past difficulties of several years are now coming to an end. You are going to shine and have a greater sense of security and stability. A relationship will be tested – you will either have a sense of renewed commitment or it will be time to part ways. Do not let jealousy, based on your own insecurity, drive you to make inappropriate decisions. It is a good time to look at your budget and reevaluate investments. Partners turn out to be more loyal than you realized and a new sense of trust prevails. Watch out for those who would drag you down and kick you back into some behaviors that manifest during a difficult time. The ruby will not only strengthen your love chakra, but also give you an awareness of your true value as a loving and supportive individual.

Virgo: You are entering a time of new responsibilities and opportunities. Don’t expect others to be as cooperative as usual – as you are now in a phase of building boundaries and also creating new networks of associates. Give others the chance to adapt as you are in a time of change and others may not be quite ready for the new you. It’s a great time to look at your membership in organizations and to extend your energy to make new friends. Travel is lucky at this time. In fact, you may find that you are traveling more than usual for both pleasure and business. Invest in your wardrobe and your image, as you are ready to wow others with your sense of style. In fact, the best investment that you can make at this time is in your image. Hematite will help you keep grounded in this time of positive but dramatic change.

Libra: Your ruler brings you beauty and charm at this time. You can feel a shifting of your interactions with others in a very positive way. Negative health issues are now being healed. You could discover hidden issues can now be solved and be able to get over some personal demons that have held you back. Be willing to face the truth and you will be set free from issues that go all the way back to your childhood. Interesting new friends bring joy into your life. Family members could be critical, but you can solve issues and move on to a better relationship. Let the people in your life become mirrors to your personal growth. You could experience a big "A-HA" moment that will have you thinking for months and leading to even greater personal growth. Fluctuations and stress in your work environment could finally start to come into balance. Choose the amethyst to enable you to understand the spiritual growth that is possible at this time.

Scorpio: Children play an important role at this time. Either you find a new member in the family or a new pet. It is a time of growing power and energies that make your home more and more special. This is a great time to decorate and to put your investment money into items of beauty that bring you joy. Finding others of like mind will be easy at this time. It is important to create a new friendship and to allow it to grow over the next few years. Prepare your home for entertaining and give others an opportunity to appreciate your gracious nature. Health issues improve and it is a good time to start a new regime of self-improvement. Watch your diet as you could find that you could be expanding on more than one level. You have an inner soul of compassion and care giving but be careful not to expend your energies too much at this time. Choose topaz to balance your diverse energies at this time. Release expectations and you will be rewarded.

Sagittarius: You are still in a lucky streak… Don’t forget to buy your lottery ticket. Journeys are positive at this time. You can meet new and exciting people that energize your mind and soul. You may find that over the next year that you are going to be clearing the garden of life, as some old people will move out to make room for the new. It is time to be results oriented rather than process oriented at this time as you can set down some important guidelines that will improve the quality of your life. Be open to new ideas but look back at some dreams you might have let go because of the stress of life. It is time to dream again and work to make these dreams come true. It would be good to meet with a financial consultant and get your investing and budget back on track. Sudden events could leave you breathless including the opportunity for love. The garnet would be especially powerful for you now as you enter a new phase of love and relationships.

Capricorn: Your ruler Saturn is bringing good luck and opportunity. Investments can be very successful at this time – just make sure to minimize your risks. Changes in your home could bring you a lot of pleasure at this time, but again, watch your expenditures. Be ready for travel and planning for a voyage may be just what you need to be doing at this time. Water energy works well with your sign at this time and you can wash away barriers that have kept you down. A new health regime would be perfect at this time. If you do not meditate, it is time to learn. As you probably know, Capricorn is the only sign that appears to get younger as they get older, so lighten up and enjoy the golden light that is shining on your life. An old friend proves especially beneficial and you may find that the two of you might want to plan that trip together. While you may not be a gambler, you are in a lucky phase so enjoy the benefits coming your way. The aquamarine is a perfect stone for you at this time as it reflects the deep spiritual space that you are entering.

Aquarius: Relax and enjoy the new positive energy coming your way. A time of intense responsibility is ending and you are ready to rediscover some important parts about you that you had put on the back burner. Don’t be afraid to say no to the demands of others as you are entering a time when it is all about you and what you need to make you happy. Your intuition is especially good at this time. You can also have good luck with banks and insurance companies. In fact, you might even receive an inheritance or gift from a family member. It is all about quality of life right now. The quality of your ability to learn is also important and you could succeed with study whether formal or just self-exploration. Be prepared to entertain friends and to even expand your friendships. You may find some that you were close to are getting rather boring and you need some new stimulation. Lapis lazuli is the perfect stone for you at this time as it represents your deep mental ability with nuggets of intuition.

Pisces: Family members may create some great burden at this time. While it is good to do the best that you can to help, you need to remember your own health and well being. Dreams are very important to you at this time and many will be prophetic. Make sure to keep a dream journal so you don’t miss any important messages. Healing energy is powerful now and you will be able to literally help others feel better. Romance is strong at this time and if you have not already met your true love, expect it in the very near future. If you are in a relationship, expect it to grow deeper and feel more devoted. Old hurts are healed and new joys are experienced. There is an angel around you now that is trying to communicate with you. Watch for the signs in your world that will reveal this psychic message. Blue topaz will enhance your psychic ability at this time. Be prepared to share what you know with others. Don’t be afraid to let others know how intuitive you are.

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