Powerful Psychics Blog
Powerful Psychics


Posted on July - 17 - 2011

Have you lost hope? Of all the spiritual states of mind, hope has a quick silver quality that steadies us through the various circumstances of our lives with no discernible guarantee of the outcome we desire. But what is hope, really? We all say things like "I hope my headache goes away, I hope my daughter passes the finals, I hope I get a raise" so "hope" must be important to us all – but how does it operate in our lives?

People pray when they are hoping for something whether minor or important. Sometimes people pray over and over again for a particular thing like a child clutching at its mother’s skirt. This is not hope. This is desperation. Hope is developed as a result of seeing positive outcomes. Over time it fills the void of insecurity that would torment us with doubt, fear and despair. Hope is holding within the soul the belief in possibilities and potential that anything can be done. Without hope we might choose not to do anything positive to create change. It would all seem fruitless. We need hope to have goals but goals do not invent themselves. People invent goals. It is a horrible thing to live in fear and this is the nightmarish outcome of the absence of hope.

Hope is a state of being that is patient and while we are productive it enables us to enjoy the little things that bless our average day. Although I used to be a "Good God, Morning! Ugh!" person – who upon awakening had to outline reasons for getting up, I am now a person who wants to get up and get the most out of my day. Who knows what blessing I might experience? If nothing tragic has happened in my personal world since the day before, that is a major blessing. So automatically there is at least one with which to start my day. I count my blessings when I wake up to keep hope going.

It doesn’t matter what we have faith in or believe in or what name we call our god(s) or deities. Faith is a very important component to recovering from being "lost". Faith is not blind. If you are like me, you have seen miracles. You may have seen only everyday wonders but these ARE miracles. Recall big and small miracles that have occurred to reaffirm your faith. Meditate, light a candle for you and only you. Listen to calming music and decide to have faith. You have a choice here. You can talk yourself into it or out of it. Hope occurs when we have achieved gratitude for that which we have received. With hope we cannot only see what we have received, but we can be open to receiving more.

Would you like to talk to a gifted advisor about hope in your life? As a new caller you can get the first 5 minutes free! Go to www.PowerfulPsychics.com or call 1-888-984-7744

Powerful Psychics