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Four Steps in Manifesting Miracles

Posted on July - 15 - 2011

Manifesting what you want in your life doesn’t have to be complicated. However, it does require the courage to have faith and to actively seek your goals. Here are four simple steps to manifest your desires.

The Dream

It is the awakening of the desire. Even before it is fully formed the dream is the bud that will develop into a flower if it is fed energy. Every blessing, idea or goal is rooting first within a dream. Whether it is money, love, success or creativity the dream is the starting point. Many times it isn’t a big event or a conscious decision, yet it will influence what you will allow into your life. Our expectations are part of this dream. If we imagine that we are blessed we will draw miracles into our lives. However, if we believe we have been cursed for whatever reason we will draw negative energy into our path.

The Asking

To ask for what we want sounds simple, yet the actual practice is frequently frustrating and confusing. On a conscious level we can ask, yet our subconscious can also sabotage our receiving with self doubts and negative actions. The universe will provide what we ask for but we have to get out of our own way. So many people ask for blessings to be brought into their life yet they banish them into nothingness just as they are about to arrive; they feel that they don’t deserve or that others are more worthy. There is enough for everyone to have not only what they need but also what they want. Others were raised to believe that to be happy is some sort of sin. Having love and possessions in your life isn’t wrong unless you use them to hurt others or yourself.

The Accepting

The accepting is having the courage to have faith and take responsibility for your life in spite of what others say or what is happening around you. This doesn’t mean you are absolved from taking responsibility for your actions. Manifesting is partnership. If you want the new job you need to have faith that you will find it and you need to actively look for it. If you want to draw love into your life you have to find the courage to see yourself as someone who is lovable and worthy of respect. When you feel worthy others will see you that way as well. When we work in partnership with the universe, miracles happen.

The Manifesting

After you have accepted your blessings you need to focus on the end result and accept the direction of the universe. It is between these last two steps that most people disrupt the process. If it doesn’t happen quickly enough or in the way they expect they lose faith and put up a wall, which prevents it from arriving. Frequently what we ask for doesn’t arrive in the packaging we expect. It doesn’t look like what we imagined on the surface, yet in reality it is exactly what we asked for. In the case of love, a handsome face and firm abs doesn’t always make a hero. On the other hand a regular guy can be the prince who will stand by you in spite of illness, financial challenges or when your favorite body parts fall prey to gravity. A princess doesn’t need to have big breasts and long flowing hair; however, she is the one who will drive to your job to drop off the lunch you forgot on the kitchen table or smile and make up the guest room when your relatives drop by unexpected. Sometimes being fired from a job makes you available to answer the phone when an employer with a better job calls. However, if you are snarky when you answer the phone, the better job may never be offered.

Manifestation is a matter of perception and a willingness to have the courage to see life as a continuing adventure filled with challenges. Those who have the courage to have faith create miracles in their daily lives and will find they will always have what they need even if it arrives in the eleventh hour.

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