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Powerful Psychics

A Tarot Lesson – The Tower

Posted on July - 26 - 2011

While the Death card foreshadows major internal change, the Tower is a sign of external transformation that eventually becomes spiritual and emotional growth. It’s the karmic forces sweeping into a person’s life to transform and breakdown old barriers. Like the lightning portrayed in most decks, the change is sudden, seemingly random and powerful. Unlike the Death card, the individual no longer has control over how the transformation happens or the rate in which it occurs.

This card is Karma in action. It is the accumulation of past actions and reactions to the challenges the Divine has presented. When a person stubbornly refuses to move forward or to grow, drastic action is taken to force the person to confront the inertia. It also represents upheaval, breakdowns and rapid removal of every belief, value and way of life that has become an obstacle to personal growth. The person no longer has the option of rejecting change.

During the time of the Tower, major life upheavals will occur. Jobs will be lost, relationships will end and dreams will die. Like the demolition of an old building to make room for a new, the clearing of the old ways is irreversible and permanent. Holding on will only prolong the pain and fear, while accepting the changes will help the healing and rebuilding process. In many ways it can be compared to a surgeon removing a cancer – although it brings about pain and fear, it is only temporary. The negative is removed to make room for positive and healthy personal growth.

Although the most apparent changes happen in the physical world, the external is only a reflection of the spiritual and emotional revolution that needs to happen. By clearing away the destructive elements of a person’s life, the constructive has room to flourish. New opportunities are created. New relationships are built on more healthy foundations. The Tower is actually the herald of a new life path emerging.

Get your FREE Tarot Reading today and see what the cards hold for you. Call 1-888-984-7744 or go to www.PowerfulPsychics.com

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